In order to properly service customers, dealers must commit themselves to always having the right tools for the job. This includes special equipment designed to interface with todays sophisicated electronic engines and digital control systems. In the end it will save you time and money, increase revenue and keep your customers happy. The following list of service tools are listed by name, part number and appication use:
EST Hardware
Serial Port---997-298
USB Port---915-869
EST Software---650-406
License Fee---Yes, annual renewal
PC Connection Type---Both Serial and USB port versions available
1) Electronic Service Tool (EST) is used for diagnosing engine faults on FG Wilson generator sets fitted with 2300 & 2800 series Perkins engines, monitoring, storing and graphing engine data, testing injectors and sensors, configuring engine parameters, uploading and downloading configuration and emissions files, 2300 & 2800 engine timing and injector codes - engine cannot be timed and injectors cannot be replaced without using EST
2) Electronic Service Tool (EST) is used for configuring Powerwizard control system parameters, bypassing Powerwizard security locks, uploading and downloading configuration and language files
HEUI Hardware---936-188
HEUI Software---994-485
License Fee---First license is Included in the price of the software, renewal charges apply thereafter, license expires on 31 DEC 08
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The HEUI interface kit is used for diagnosing 1300 series engine faults, testing injectors and sensors, monitoring and storing engine data
ECG Interface Kit---650-880
License fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The ECG interface kit is used for programming and tuning the Woodward, ECG governor. This governor is used on FG Wilson generator sets fitted with 400 series engines and the electronic governor option.
LCS Hardware---653-426
LCS Software---Download at <>
License Fee---Yes, one time fee per install
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The LCS interface kit is used for programming and tuning the Woodward, LCS governor. This governor, which has now been replaced by the L-series governor, was used on FG Wilson models fitted with 1000 series engines and the electronic governor option. This kit is not compatible with the L-series governor.
L-series Hardware---917-508
L-series Software---Download at <>
License Fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The L-series interface kit is used for programming and tuning the Woodward, L-series governor. This governor is used on FG Wilson generator set models fitted with Perkins 1000 and 1100 series engines and the electronic governor option. This kit is not compatible with the LCS.
Proact Governor Handheld Programmer---930-342
License Fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---N/A
The Proact handheld programmer is used for programming and tuning FG Wilson generator sets fitted with Perkins 4008,4012, & 4016 series engines and the Woodward, Proact 1 or Proact 2 electronic governor
Heinzmann Governor Interface Hardware---915-257
License Fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The Heinzman governor interface is used for programming and tuning FG Wilson generator sets fitted with Perkins 4006 series engines and the Heinzman, Pandaros electronic governor.
SG2D Governor Interface Kit---5417-557
License Fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The SG2D Governor Interface Kit is used for programming and tuning FG Wilson generator sets fitted with Scania engines and the Woodward, SG2D electronic governor.
Deep Sea
Deep Sea 500 Series Configuration Editor Pack---PP-808PC
License Fee---N/A
PC Connection Type---Serial Port
The Deep Sea 500 series configuration editor pack is used to configure the Deep Sea 500 series control panel that was previously used in some FG Wilson generator sets.
A training seminar is a general prerequisite for service tool purchase. Please contact an FG Wilson Service Advisor for tool quotes and purchasing requirements.