We are starting a multipart series on troubleshooting tips for the 2001 Control System, Starting with this article we will go over the most common issues associated with faults on the 2001 control panel and subsequently we will cover more specific issues in upcoming articles.
The first thing we should look at is the installation of the generator and it’s accompanying components. Initial inspection should include checking the following:
• Proper placement and anchoring of unit on firm and level surface.
• Check for any signs of physical damage due to shipping or during installation.
• Adequate ventilation of incoming and outgoing airflow if installed inside a building. (Check installation manual for details).
• Proper routing and alignment of exhaust system ensuring minimum amount of bends.
• Correct generator output leads for size and connection to breaker and proper grounding.
• Proper customer connections to generator terminal board.
(Please refer to the Installation Manual for detailed information on installations)
Many basic issues dealing with a no start condition can often be traced to very simple and elementary conditions that can be resolved easily and quickly by performing a visual inspection of the unit and focusing on some of the following items.
• Is the battery filled with battery acid and is it fully charged (our batteries ship dry) and is it connected correctly to the battery cables?
• Are the battery cables on tight at the battery terminals and the starter?
• Check all fluids for proper levels i.e. oil, coolant and battery.
• Is there fuel in the fuel tank and has the engine been purged of air in the fuel system? Check for loose fuel fittings and fuel leaks.
• Have the emergency stop buttons been re-set or pulled out? This will prevent the unit from starting and is very common.
• Has the panel been re-set from any previous faults?
• Check the main fuse on the terminal block inside the controller box.
• Check for loose or disconnected wires inside the control box especially the switches and terminal block.
Following these simple steps will undoubtedly resolve most issues related to a “won’t start” condition and will form the basis for performing more detailed troubleshooting techniques if so needed.
Ralf Heredia
Service Advisor