The 2001 control panel offers 5 engine protection channels or shutdown features, 4 of which are configured by the factory and 1 spare which may be customer configured, they are as follows:
Fail to Start: This protection activates when the engine has been given a start signal and the engine has failed to start. This is factory set to allow 3 attempts to start, each attempt is made up of a 5 second crank cycle followed by a 5 second rest period.
High Engine Temperature: The protection is activated externally by the VDO engine temperature sender. The sender typically switches between 103-105 degrees C (217 – 221 F). This channel is FPT (Fault Protection Timer) protected which means that it will only become active 15 seconds after the engine has started.
Low Oil Pressure: The protection is activated externally by the VDO oil pressure sender. The sender typically switches at 0.8 bar/ 11.75 psi on the 0-5 bar model and 1.25 bar/18.5 psi on the 0-10 bar model. This protection is also FTP protected.
Emergency Stop/Overspeed: This channel combines two protections, the emergency stop will activate once the panel or enclosure (if applicable) emergency stop push button is pressed. The overspeed signal is controlled by the EIM (Engine Interface Module). Once the EIM via the Magnetic Pickup, determines the engine has exceeded the set point, a signal is sent to the 2001 panel and the shutdown activates.
Spare Channel: This protection channel can be configured as either alarm or shutdown by repositioning the blue two-prong link on the 2001 PCB. The protection may also be FPT protected by physically removing link 5A from the PCB.
Protection Activication
To activate any of the five protection channels we require a –ve (neg) to reach the corresponding relay. The relay will energise and at the same time the LED illuminates. Due to the relay energising contact Fx/1 in the fault array will switch and cause CR1 to de-energise hence cutting of the fuel supply to the engine.
On the next article we will get into the inner workings of the control board as it relates to the safety shutdowns.
Ralf Heredia
Service Adviser
FGW Latin America & Caribbean